Um, so I should post an enthralling entry about the last week of my life since I haven't said anything
here since X-mas. But, alas, I have nothing. I don't make New Year's resolutions, I don't celebrate Christmas, and I spent most of the last week pretty much alone and uninspired.
In that time I did record a song that I think is one of my best that no one saw fit to comment on (I know I should quit my bitching, but I'm such an insecure artist in desperate need for attention) and I saw a movie that I would highly recommend to
cinema365 (or to anyone else reading this that appreciates excellent writing). It is an Australia indie gem called
"Alexandra's Project". Other than that just the regular ho hum non-sense.
defrocked got back safely on Tuesday much to my delight. It is really nice to have her back. I am whole once again. Very little else has changed...
...The world continues to slip into fascism and slavery as we whistle the 7 dwarves tune at 40+ hour work weeks all along not realizing that the need for useless gadgets has bribed us into turning a blind eye to how little true freedom we have compared to almost any civilization that preceded ours. But if I can't convince
you of that, how can I ever hope to effect even a modicum of change?
The piece of shit to our south now has decided it is a good idea to finger-print all visitors to the US excluding 28 countries (supposedly the ones with money, because rich people never do immoral/evil things!). The only nation out of the hundreds affected that is doing anything to fight back is Brazil. They did exactly what I told
dzuunmod they should do (finger-print all Americans wishing to visit them). I guess it proves that you can't push around people with Portuguese blood without getting a little spit back in your face (good on 'em!).
The funny thing is this might actually help get the little nasty turd out of the white house (renamed since Nov. 2000 "the Crap House"). Seeing as the State that will be most affected by his dirty ploy will be Florida. Which will once again be the swing in November. Florida's two main resources of income are Citrus & Tourism. The latter will suffer greatly. This might even inspire big media evil corporations to actually donate money to the Democrats (not good/just slightly better) because their profits (i.e. DisneyWorld/Universal Studios) will take a hit. What a stupid fuck. I wonder if he actually pisses in his own cornflakes in the morning?
Everyone seems to be overjoyed at the capture of Mr. Muslim Bad Evil Guy of the month. The US has gone to security level orange to continue to try to fool people into thinking that Mr. Muslim Bad Evil Guy of the month from Iraq actually had connections to terrorism. Obviously no such threat will materialize since the fundamentalist terrorists like, Mr. Muslim Bad Evil Guy of the month from Iraq about as much as they like, Piece of Shit with a big stick from the US. Who could blame them really, since it was Piece of Shit with a big stick's evil father who put him in power and told him to go kill fundamentalists in Iran just over 20 years ago! But most people rather listen to what the self-serving corporations tell them than figure out what has really transpired in the region over the last 3 decades.
They are to busy whistling away the latest song by numbers from Britny I mutilated my breasts because corporations sell that as being sexy Spears or whatever generic look-a-like of the month while traveling back and forth from their time consuming waste of life excuse of a job. So happy for the little that they've got, oblivious to what they've lost. I read (somewhere, don't ask me where, I don't remember and I can't prove this to be true) that slaves in Greek society had 153 days off a year. I know for a fact that the average slave (Uh,um... oh sorry), worker today gets off no more than 60 a year. That is a liberal estimate and it still falls more than half short of 153. In Roman times you could buy your way out of slavery...
...Did you know that a poll recently revealed from the 1950s stated that a majority of people believe that people would not be working at all or practically never due to all of the wonderful (their words - not mine) inventions that were being bestowed upon the world? Truth be told, we are working at least double the hours. How so? Back then it was more than normal to have a one income 9-5 job as the household's sole earner. I dare you to find me 1 family that is not independently wealthy from hand-me-down ownership or winning the crap shoot (Uh, um sorry again), lottery that can survive having two kids and only one parent working one 9-5 job. HA! What a joke! But we are so fucking happy about it. Smile, smile, smile don't you recognize freedom when you see it!
All of those wonderful inventions were not for us. They are to exploit us. They are to get us to work harder & more hours just so we can give back the currency we earn to the same few that are getting us to work more. Why do you think that if you have only a 20 hour/week job the Quebec government treats you like a non person? Because one can not live the own a cell phone, buy an article of clothing a week, go out boozing on the town, buy fake beauty, spend cash on the crap everyone should want lifestyle on a part-time salary. For that you need to work more. All that's missing is the whip.
Solutions/Solutions... You may say that yes I am good at bitching but I offer no solutions. But I have many, you just don't want to know them. Plus it would require many people with the intelligence level of a fart actually understand that they have to stand up and take back their lives instead of having a death grip on the little string of diminishing returns that they consider their freedom. Every single person must demand change immediately. I demand a maximum 15 hour work week with a $250 US a week minimum wage. That would be incorporated with a 100% price freeze on everything from rent to carrots. And all you profit mongers that say your precious hording of cash will be whittled away, I say fuck you. You've had it easy enough already. But the cries of corporations/business going bankrupt... first I say bullshit. Jobs like telemarketing will be no more for you must hire more people in shifts to do real productive useful things. Slice off the fat and if you default a government that works for it's citizens will take over and operate said business for zero profit as it should be. Then we will all have the time and money to figure out who we really are...
...but even
you that are actually listening don't believe it could work. So afraid are we of losing the tiny little that we have that we won't risk something different. So I'll go back into the void waiting for everyone to be a little more miserable and see if they understand how bad things have gotten. If not, one day I'll die with my ideas and dreams unfulfilled, knowing the one true thing is that although very few understand I care more for you all then any can ever fathom...