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The Lost Highway What was the last concert you attended?
I've Lost track already, it was either the Young Gods at the Scala or Red Campion + others at the Wedge
How many people were there?
Probably pretty much packed for both.
What bands have you seen in concert the most, and how many times?
Creaming Jesus, or Daisy Chainsaw about 15ish.
Do you have any set lists? From what bands?
Are there any CDs in close proximity to you? Which ones?
Peeping Tom, SYL - The New Black, Red Sparowes - At the Endless Dawn, Sigur Ros - Agaelis Byrjim, Muse - Black holes and Revelations
Jack off Jill - Humid Teenage Mediocrity, Gogol Bordello, Neil Young - After the Gold Rush, The Longcut - A call and response.
What band are you in the mood to see live right this second?
Martin Grech
Have you ever been on a tour bus?
Have you ever partied with a band?
How many countries have you been to concerts in?
England, USA, Germany.
What bands did you see live in the month of May?
Can't remember.... Simon a little help?
What CD are you addicted to at the moment?
Scarling - So Long, Scarecrow.
Who is one band that you used to like, but now you can't stand?
Sugar Ray.
Have you ever been on anyone's guest list?
Yep, Creaming Jesus. Although I felt guilty and paid anyway.
Last band person that you got a picture with?
HA! Martin Degville.
Do you consider yourself a groupie?
If you were to name a boy and a girl after any band.... what would you name them?
Boy - Strapping Young
Girl - Bush
How old were you when you went to your first concert?
Can't remember.. about 16
Who was it?
What bands haven't you seen yet that you want to see?
Neurosis, Cult of Luna, Mastodon, Dr Steel.
Are you wearing a band shirt right now?
What band do you own the most merch of?
Don't really do merch, but I have a Numan tee shirt and a Creaming Jesus Mug.
What song is on your myspace right now?
Have you ever met that band?
....I am that band!
Do you ever do anything crazy at shows?
Not really.
What are your favourite venues to go to shows at?
Joiners, LA2, Wedgewood rooms
What band do you have the most performance pictures of?
Don't really do band pictures.
Would you ever get a tattoo representing a band?
I do have 1 of my bands tattooed, and the other one scared. So I guess that's a yes.
How many concerts do you average a year?
Prob about 2 a month so 24.
Upcoming shows?
Electro fest this Sat, the Goth thing in London (August) But we are playing both of those. Other than that nothing, but Im sure there will be some. Maybe Nizlopi.
List every band you've EVER seen live, no matter how obscure.
Don't be stupid!
I Tag....
How can I hinder?
Rob, Bob Mr. Bob.