Dec 03, 2005 14:29
i like it how the path to my house is covered with jagged rocks dug deep in the pits of the earth, surrounded by sharply set grains of sand, bristly blades of barb and grass, the suctioned stickiness of sour mud, slivers of sticks, twisted twigs, battered and bent branches, powdered over with pointed edged plastics and the random rusted tipped nail. i especially like when night sets, and even starlight cant penetrate through the cloud cover, and how a handful of youth always seem to forget their sandals beneath my dinnertable. they dont even take a second thought to turn back over their shoulder and call for them. theyll walk all along night itself and sleep under the day barefoot and completely content while i scratch a shallow sore on the softened surface of my sole with annoyed displeasure.
that was what made traveling appeal to him- he always made new friends, and he didnt need to spend all his time with them. when someone sees the same people everyday, they wind up becoming a part of that persons life. and then they want the person to change. if someone isnt what others want them to be, the others become angry. everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, and none about his or her own.
paulo coelho, from the illustrated alchemist