Oct 20, 2009 17:48
So i'm a trying to study finals. Oh my. One of my biggest problems is figuring out exactly what the question is trying to ask.
Ex "evolution is said to have dimentions in space as well as time. What major proces has played a role in evolution and spatial distribution of life on earth and how has this impacted on new zealand's native animals"
WTF????!!!! Do you want a philosopical discussion on space and time? beucase aperantly time doesn't pass... Shall we talk eienstien? shall we talk about philosophy of evolution? Or do you want to know that according to plate tectonics new zealand split off from other land masses before large mammals gaine prevalance and so birds evolved to fill those nitchs filled by mammals in other continents? I think thats the one.
I went to the gym today to do some stress busting. I think i only succeded in making me abs hurt...