Mar 04, 2009 20:55

So classes are in full swing and i had a lab till 9 pm last night. I have to take all the health science classes with all the pre-med students and to get a good seat in the lecture halls you have to get there 15mins before class. apparently they are really competitive. but i'm enjoying classes on a whole, except my statistics class which is the first class of the day and always makes me want to go back to sleep. the professor also wears sneakers with a button down shirt and a tie with dress pants the are several inches to short making him appear like a quite ideal professor, the kind that you imagine in books. I start working at a bar on Thursday, and i'm worried because i hate late nights. and i'd rather be out and about on the weekend, rather then sleeping in, but the money seems good. and i can get a weekend of every month.
in my lab last night i got to hook my bicep up to a monitor and measure the electrical output from my muscle. it was exciting, like something i could only see in the hospital. but i think later in the semester we get to hook it up to our hearts. stay tuned on that one.
my little trip around New Zealand was awesome. I had a great time seeing Lance (my old captain) and all of my old favorite places. it was like the weather was happy i was back to and we had a gorgeous sunny day out on Milford sound. I'm planning on hiking the Milford track when it goes out of season with one of my mates. Also in two weeks time is the hokitika wild foods festival where i will sample fried grubs and fern frond salad. i am wondering if fried grubs are vegetarian.
my new International Mentor is driving with me over the Hokitika on the west coast where i am going to make him stop so we can run over to the glaciers.(it's on the way) His name is Wenzel and he is a 29 year old immunology PHD student. He is really going out of his way to make me feel at home and we have made fast friends. he even went shoe shopping with me today. (grumping the whole time, but still) I wasn't sure what the International Mentor programme would do becauseIi specified on my fourm that i would like a "nice looking german mentor" i have to say, they did a good job. i was only half joking.
so tomorrow is another full day, statistics, two hours of german class, hit the gym, study, then go to molecular biology and Human Body system, fighting the first year med students the whole time for good seats.
My Address is
Jess Hudgins
69 London St
New Zealand
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