(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 22:28

I've put my own witty comments in italics.


As a DESIGNER, you are receptive to ideas and experiences, and enjoy the beautiful things in life, yet you are also grounded and realistic about yourself and the world.

You have a quiet appreciation for beauty in all its forms - in nature, in people, and in human creations from architecture to movies.

Instead of only focusing on functionality, you try to incorporate your good sense of style and taste into your choices.

At times you feel unsure of yourself, especially when confronted by other people. Not people so much as evidence that may go against what I plan/feel/believe/argue for. I don't like to be proven wrong.

You aren't the kind of person who insists on having things your way all the time - you are willing to go along with other people's opinions, even if you disagree. Actually, if I disagree with your opinions, I will definitely let you know, likely several times in a reserved and respectful manner. Unless your opinion is offensive. I will, however, go along with others' plans or requests if I feel that my own desires won't be too neglected or harmed.

Others may not know this about you, but you are very interested in new ideas, thoughts, expressions, and experiences. You enjoy learning and trying new things.

Although you are practical, you are anything but boring - you have depths to you that others cannot see. So, I'm ~deep, maaaan~ This makes me sound like a pretentious hipster. But hey, I didn't say it. The test did.

The idea of doing the same thing every day for the rest of your life scares you - you need more excitement and challenge than that!

You have a remarkable eye for detail and precision, noticing things that others miss.

You approach problems in an analytical way, not getting caught up in your own emotions. You are an independent thinker, not wedded to the preferences of others. @ this and the two paragraphs above: AM I SHERLOCK HOLMES? Of course I am.

You tend to do things on the spur of the moment, not sticking to a set schedule. Mostly because I'm too lazy to plan things.


You are RESERVED - you aren't someone who always needs to have others around, and you find you can handle most situations on your own. As Mr. Morrissey would say, "Now, this might surprise you but I find I'm okay by myself, and I don't need you or your morality to save me, no no no no no no no no no *yodels*" Oh, Morrissey.

You can be very happy spending time alone, and enjoy your own thoughts and ideas. And my hand. Zing! Not really though. I haven't wanked in months.

You find it difficult to understand why some people get so emotional and tell everyone else their problems. One of the few untrue statements here. I do understand why people do it. I even do it, online at least, which is very different than sitting down with someone face-to-face and saying words, but you know. I certainly don't tell people IRL anything, ever.

You believe that if you want to get something done, it is best to do it yourself. I'm finding this true more and more each day. Shit won't get done unless you grab it by the balls and threaten to rip them off if it doesn't get done. Tru fucking fax.

In your experience, other people are not always completely dependable, so you generally rely on yourself and only a few close others.

Despite your independence, you are not a closed-minded person who makes hasty judgments about others. You know that it isn't always easy to walk in other people's shoes.

At times other people's feelings are puzzling to you, and you wish that people were more rational. Again, am I Sherlock fucking Holmes?~ I guess people's feelings aren't necessarily puzzling, but I occasionally can't comprehend why they happen. I know the likely explanation behind them, but I can't see WHY they feel that way. The easiest example is people who hate queers. I know that they hate me because they're afraid of me, because they're disgusted, because culture and the people around them have always told them to hate me, because people are just disgusting creatures. But I still can't really fathom how on Earth someone thinks it's rational to hate someone because they're queer.

Your vision of the world is complex - your values are not set in stone. Instead, you are able to change your beliefs as you learn new information.

Sorry this is so tiny; I'm on a netbook, so the entire image didn't fit on the screen unless I shrunk the fuck out of it.

Confidence: 16/100
Openness: 98/100 I feel like this is more of an openness regarding my opinions and ideas rather than my ~feelings~, or openness to new thoughts and opinions.
Extroversion: 8/100 AKA HERMIT
Empathy: 20/100 Spoiler alert: I am apparently a sociopath Sherlock Holmes, still
Trust in others: 8/100
Agency: 32/100 Not even sure what this means.
Masculinity: 84/100 See? Even this interwobs tests sez i'm a real boy~
Femininity: 0/100 ROFL. TRU FUCKING FAX.
Spontaneity: 82/100
Attention to style: 66/100 Fuck yeah, I'm a classy motherfucker.
Authoritarianism: 6/100
Earthy/Imaginative: 94/100 = Earthy. This is pretty accurate despite the whole writer/poet thing I've got going on. Everything I write is based on things that happen to me, and I just dress them up and dramatize them a bit.
Aesthetic/Functional: 96/100 = Aesthetic

Take the test at personaldna.com

This is actually one of the most accurate online personality tests I've taken. It was spot-on for the most part.

In other news, LISTEN TO ÓLAFUR ARNALDS. His music does funny things to my heart. It's so fucking beautiful I can't even-


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