Help Please

May 20, 2017 02:34

Hey y'all, I know I rarely post here but I have to try all avenues because I'm in some serious financial trouble.

Basically, G got fired from her job with absolutely no warning, because her boss had some sort of breakdown, accused half her staff of "conspiring against her" and then fired them all right before mother's day weekend. At a luxury spa. So we're left with half our income and no way to pay rent and bills until G find a new job. She has interviews lined up and has been applying for 5-10 a day, but we just wont' get a paycheck in time to pay our absolute necessities (electric and water - $160 monthly, rent - $850 monthly, phone (for interviews) - $100+ monthly, car insurance (mandatory here) - $80 monthly. in addition. we have several credit accounts with payment requirements of around $300 montly. those can be put off but we can't really afford to do that because we're HOPING to get a car loan in the next year

if you can help us at all, please do:
feel free to share that direct link anywhere you think would be helpful, and share the above explanation as necessary. if anyone needs verification or more info, please direct them to my facebook at

we also have a relief list on amazon:

and you can donate directly via Paypal (liam.cbell [at] or google wallet (same email, and the most direct method)

I know it's weird to ask you all of this, but I'm kinda desperate.

Thank you so much in advance.

fundraising, lgbtq, poverty, transgender, job loss

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