whining about relationship shit/breaking up

May 14, 2013 18:23

SURPRISE i guess chris and i are breaking up
he asked me to renew my housing contract for fall, aka he asked me to move out
and then today he said our relationship isn't working

and it's not, really, and this is not really a surprise to me but still

it's mostly my fault (all my fault lbr) because i'm awful at communicating and i can't hold a job for more than two weeks and when i get angry about some stupid thing that i did, i get all withdrawn and i'm not a social person, i don't like going out with lots of people i don't like going to bars unless i'm trying to get totally wasted i am just a bad person to be friends or partners with

i mean i knew it wouldn't work out but it still feels bad

he wanted me to stay for the rest of the summer, until i move back into the dorms, but i don't want to be here if he doesn't want me here, especially now that he only wants me to stay as a roommate/friend

like, seriously. man, you are 40 years old you know hardly anyone remains friends after they break up

so i'm moving back in with my parents until fall and i just feel like a fuck-up because i can never make anything work. every time i try to have a relationship with someone i fuck it up. every time i try to move out of my parents' house, i fuck it up. i'm almost 26 years old and i can't manage any of the shit i ought to be managing

i can't even find a job that i would be able to work because the ones i could do require degrees or previous experience, and the ones that want me are physically exerting and my body is so fucked up that i can barely even get out of bed in the morning

like shit man, being 14 sucked but i wish i was 14 again and all i cared about was hoping my parents didn't find out i made out with the dude who lived down the street

also, someone stole my bicycle from the campus bike racks
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