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Dissecting the Deception на сайте Examiner.com о методах путенской пропаганды на западе. Среди американцев достаточно людей с мозгами, которые все понимают и кисель жрать не хотят. Но и здесь есть вата, которая верит путену и дрочит на "сильного лидера". Вот именно таким и раскрывает глаза Джулия Дэвис.
To shape public perceptions in Russia, its state media concentrates on a daily stream of negative news about the West, Ukraine and any other country that doesn’t blindly subscribe to Putin’s medieval ideals. Russia’s perceived foes are portrayed as corrupt, soulless, uneducated, aggressive degenerates and the West in general is depicted as a dying society on the brink of extinction. On the other hand, for external consumption, Russian media pretends to care about the issues that concern Western denizens. Under the guise of exposing corruption and shedding light upon various conspiracy theories, Kremlin-controlled Russia Today portrays itself as the beacon of truth and freedom.
As shirtless Putin rides across the screen on a sad horse, misguided Western libertarians the world over see him as the “real leader” who cares about democratic values. In the meantime, Russian libertarians vehemently oppose Putin’s despotic kleptocracy and do their best to escape the tyrant’s clutches by leaving the country in droves. Until the West actively counteracts the menace of Russian propaganda, Putin and his tools of disinformation will continue to wreak havoc in the hearts and minds of gullible citizenry.
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Russia’s top 100 lies about Ukraine.