classic headline to a classic article

Jul 08, 2011 02:16

встретил упоминание в местной газете, протащился по-новой, чего и вам желаю:

Black Gospel Choir Makes Man Wish He Believed In All That God Bullshit

"...I bet they can smell an atheist a mile away," Kamin said. "I shouldn't taint their experience with my cold rationalism and irrefutable logic. And the fact that I'm white probably wouldn't help matters, either..."

black gospel choir

white atheist

new york post, onion, опиум для народа, их нравы, fake, атеизм, atheism, ohio, humor, jesus, gospel, tolerance, music, ржунимагу, black, news, columbus, америка-мать (её), recommended, choir, статьи, racism, parody

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