Multiple Poser Renders

May 21, 2011 22:59

Haven't updated for a while. I've been rather busy these days!

Anyway, my occasional creative muse hasn't been asleep. Here's some renders I've done over the last few months:

A render of Wonder Woman, of course. I found the costume for free on There's at least 4 "Wonder Woman" costume models for Victoria 4 out there... this is probably the best one I've ever seen.

A second DC Comics character: Power Girl. The costume was done by the same modeller who did the Wonder Woman suit. I know, I did a Power Girl model a while back, but when I tried out the new suit, I also decided to redo my Power Girl model, too! :-P

Here's a third DC Comics heroine... Starfire, from the Teen Titans. The costume is also from the same modeller, but I also had fun making the character, too. Took a while to get the skin and eyes the right colors!

Here's a little steampunk-ish render I put together for a lark.

Finally, here's a render of the doomed Melnibonean hero from Michael Moorcock's fantasy novels, Elric, holding his demon blade Stormbringer. I discovered that bleaching Michael 4's skin did some pretty wonky things to the program. Any colored light would immediately color the skin. I tried to make this render more atmospheric, but any colored light would make Elric's skin the same color! I'll probably play with this particular model again in the future, see what other deviltry I can come up with... :-P


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