May 26, 2008 00:49
Good Gods, the End Times appear to be on the doorstep for the player characters of my Delta Green rpg campaign!
It goes in fits and starts, as they say, but it's a weirdly awesome shared experience, that has been taking shape week by week since October 2001.
So, sure, Cthulhu has been stirring in his sleep, and the Elder Things have returned to our solar system, but Ghroth the Harbinger isn't due to flyby until the end of this year, at the earliest, so there is everything to play for, and so many places to visit and people to talk to.
The jungles of French Guiana have been the popular place to avoid for years, but now I think Queen Maud Land in Antarctica may take the biscuit!
Time for Mr Renfield to sit down with a good book and a long spoon?
Be seeing you, gentlefolk!