Jun 12, 2003 03:05
lots of fun over here for sure. i got the "test results" back from tech today it was sent thru the special mail or something they came to the door to give it to me so nobody steals my info but yea i cant even really figure out wut the damn scores mean it says i should go have a meeting with the counselor or psych. use the group method or something like an intervention having my parents or rather "those who pay the bills" and the dean of my college come and talk about wuts wrong with me ya thats gonna fucking happen talking to people i dont know about my "problems" i dont even really tell my "problems" to people i do know back to the trusting people or not trusting people way of thinking im so good at sorry?? if it matter i dont know ya i just cant get over how different we all are and we dont even really know im not too sure tho like the way we view things love or something yea we all have our own idea of wut it is and isnt based on past experiences or lack there of puppy love love at first sight lust all great i dont know though its a mad subject but ya here it is again i don’t know it all sucks i see someone with amazing eyes or something and i cant get that out of my head but i only notice the eyes of strangers im afraid to look at the eyes of the people i know?? but not someone who doesnt know me y would that be its odd to say the least as far as from where i stand but wutever and wutever isnt even wutever anymore cuz i care ill think about it itll eat away at me until i "figure it out" im living in an objective rational world or something i forget the quote as i just saw it y can i/do i easily find the better attributes in a stranger while focusing or looking for faults in myself and the ones im around quotes of nothing that stick with me for one reason or another everything i never knew i always wanted totally at least wanting to i guess if i could only fucking figure it out i wish oh i fucking wish that would just be great or not maybe something ill never be able to attain wutever it is it is eh no crazy dreams lately that kind of sucks i dont even know that i dream anymore or remember them anyways i like my dreams theyre crazy and rarely believable but fun nonetheless i dont CONNECT with people i dont think im busy off in my own world doing wut i do as though it will lead somewhere i saw my an old teacher the other day i dont know that i was her for sure i just assumed so she looked a lot like how i remember her but i didnt approach her or anything not the type really yea i remember i used to make fun of her a lot she was pregnant and ate sooo much food like shed have 2 or 3 breakfasts and id just point that out to the whole class or whoever was around to hear really loud and such i made her cry a few times and thats pretty weak cuz i was trying to do this and ya this was like 5th grade ive been an ass for quite some time i guess but still dont think there are too many things i regret if any of course but its not like it matters the memory of it will always be there unfortunately no matter how truely sorry i really am ya blahahah fucking idiot eh i really need to find something to do around this time of night this only kills so much time but it does do that haha fucking bored oh the news is on fucking g-r-e-a-t i love the news blah fucking fuck i so freaking need something to do theres nothing to do someone give something the fuck to do oh back to my wonderful test results ya i dont read at a college level or something haha and im in the upper 15 was it percent of people my age i feel bad for people my age ha monkeypox fucking monkey ball i wana play NOW or something wutever happened to baby jane i dont know ive got nothing and everything woot fuckass old people are great fucking 80's style maybe??too fast too furious holy fucking shit my fucking gay brother got my fucking gay parents to by the fucking jungle book 2 i fucking HATE DISNEY I FUCKING HATE DISNEY ya "in the industry we call that never forgive action" to combine a quote or two and i guess ill end this one on that FUCKER