Aug 17, 2006 14:36
In the past three days I've eaten 6 sugar candies, 9 wild rose berries, roughly 27 ants and 1 dandelion. That is all. As part of my latest course I had to spend 72 hours in the woods alone without any food and only a few pieces of survival equipment. It was AWESOME.
Well, actually, at the time it was not SO awesome. But I did create a drum set by arranging my water canteen, shovel and flashlight and rocked out hard while the sun went down on day two. By day three I saw some other human (!!!!) on the other side of the lake, we communicated via yelling and our conversation went like this:
Travis: "Sup?"
Dude across the lake: "Are you starving to death?"
Travis: "Yes"
*This is where I started laughing hysterically for a very, very long time for apparently no reason at all
Anyway, I definitely have a new profound respect for woodland creatures and how they manage to survive during the driest, hottest summer near Winnipeg's Springer Lake (Steve, cool band name idea). I hope I never, ever, ever crash and airplane and have to survive without a Deppaneur for any length of time.