If Radio OK Computer and Kid A were Tool's Aenima and Lateralus, 10 000 Days is defintely not as abysmil a failure as, say then, Hail to the the Theif. But it's not as good as Lateralus, I don't think... it's very close... it's not as bad as I thought it would be, I disliked the first single, and dismissed as 'too APC-ish', but the rest of the album grew on me. I haven't experianced the art work yet as I haven't gotten downtown to purchase it, but I will be.
There are defintely some good moments, I would recommend giving it another listen or two.
actually, "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums" isn't even that good either, I just like the name. The lyrics are similar to those of "Pet".
There are defintely some good moments, I would recommend giving it another listen or two.
What did you think of APC's Emotive album?
Passive - I think this is a rearranged old Tapeworm song called "perfect enemy" maynard and trent did a while back, anyway, this song is awesome.
Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums - In standard angry and heavy APC style this song is also acceptable.
These two songs sit uncomfortably next to the other covers on the album because they are awesome where the others are mediocre.
Passive makes the CD worth a purchase, I think.
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