Do you remember me?

Dec 23, 2004 22:06

Being in Ashland, Ohio, with 13 inches of snow at least have some benefits, I have free time in which there is nothing better to do than update my near-nonexistent lj.

As this is long overdue, I guess i'll just wrap up some of the more current events in the past couple of weeks.

Lets see here, before X-Mas break, I was all stressed out because of the Christmas show and it went off really well and it was lots of fun. I then proceeded to rest a good while into Christmas break and simply fill up my time with such things as 7 episodes of Alias in one day and/or spending an hour at deals being stupid while trying to pick out gag white elephant gifts. It was really quite nice.

And then we had to leave for Ohio.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind coming to Ohio, I like my grandparents and all...but not when a 4 hour trip turns into an almost 8 hour trip because of all this freaking snow. I like snow, in fact I love snow, I just wish I would have stayed home and not had to brave the evil Interstates in the snow. But oh well, its really not that big of a deal, we made it, but my cousins that live in Cleveland couldn't get out to come down, so its been just my family and my grandparents, which pretty much means endless Euchre and eating, which in itself isn't that bad. Its just when your not playing euchre or your not eating, there isn't much else to do. Period.

Thus, i sit here and write. I'm looking forward to the Christmas Eve service at church tomorrow directly followed by the drive down to louisville (theoretically should only be 2 hrs or so, but who really knows?) Followed by a quick stop back at our house for some re-packing and a colts game before heading off to good ol' land of the mormons Utah to spend a week skiing. SO MUCH FUN! I cannot wait.

And now i'm going to go decide which movie I shall be watching for the evening Elf (which i have seen, and know to be very funny and put me in a holiday mood) or Dodgeball (which I have not seen yet have heard to be absofreakinlutely hilarious, yet will do nothing for the holiday mood) oh well, talk to you all later
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