May 03, 2005 17:49
Lets see, today is tuesday and didnt really do anything, school was good, but i was really tired in business class, and i kept falling asleep and waking myself up everytime i would fall out of my desk.. After school i went over kirstens for a short while lol It was still fun even tho i was only there for an hour, but at least i got to see her:) after that i got picked up and went to GNC after that and got some supplements.. i got a Months supply of Nitro tech and a 25 size serving of this new stuff that im gunna try out in stead of Cell tech, its called " Trac- tiem released arginine/creatine-nitro loading creatine formula" its suppose to work better than creatine i guess, Its got a money back guarantted its if it dont work ill take it back haha I also got a free sample of this stuff called " thermo Gain" suppose to ingine thermogenesis. Ya ne ways, tomorrow is my last day of school at vca for the week :( it sucks, thursday i have to get my wisdom teeth taken out, but then thursdy after school kirsten is going to come over and keep me company ( and feed me my jello) lol ya, then she is gone all weekend so i wont be able to see her ntil sunday night.:( I get my drivers lisencse tomorrow for sure tho, so im relly excited about that!! Yeah well im out.. later