Sep 22, 2005 20:18
Well to say that i have updated in a while would be a bit of a understatment but anyway, im in college now and its the best thing ever im not going to lie. Shit here has been the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. All i do is get up get food go to amazing classes then party at night with the coolest kids. I said it before i left "Im never coming home." and i ment it. I have relized that home was just filled with stupid bullshit from stupid people that jsut need to grow up but fuck it. to each there own. It is so peaceful here all it is 400 acres of rolling green hills and corn feilds. it sounds really boring and all but when u see a full moon here its so buetiful or when u stay up all night wit the right kids just talking about nothing and watch the sun come up, theres nothing to explain it. plus i get to play with 90,000 cameras so that makes it funnn too.
when in college if i have learned anything its that high schools over leave the shit behind and that you drink for the stupid reasons. Tuesday if you didnt know it was National Talk Like A Pirate Day so me and about 15 other kids got the bright idea to get dressed up as a pirate and get drunk. in hindsight it was the stupidest reason to get drunk but fuck we had the best time in the world. eveyone started to go to bed at 330 but me and bill (basically my long lost brother here) were determind to finish the rest of the beer and liqure stayed up till 6 in the morining watching skate videos. amazing times. i wish i could put the pics up but i dont have alycia around anymore to do that so yea if somone wants to tell me how to then that would be nice. what else oh and i wanna put my photography class pics up i like them a lot.
Aside from school work and hanging out i have started many side projects here, like daily trips the one of the worlds largest fucking salvation Army and buying pointless shit. this is where we purceshed our costums there. late night trips to burger king wit Bobie lynn and erin is like every night now. and my favortie is that i have finally started a band up here. well its not really a band its only me and bill but its awsome. were a grindcore band and we make all the music on the computer. were called A.S.S. bassically means Animal Seman Surprise (new album droppen soon) hahahaha well what else.
I miss my Bicycle......A LOT. i need that shit to keep me sane. but thats not the only thing that i miss
-i miss my friends sooooo much, all the kids i grew up wit and just being home driving around till 4 in the morning wit my bros.
-i miss my mom, shes my best friend but i just miss messing around wit her like all the jokes and stupid shit we did shes awsome
-i miss late night diner talks wit my nicole and justin. THERE ARE NO FUCKING DINERS HERE
-i miss Mike and Rob the two kids i went through every thing together Guys i dont even know what to say
-i miss JERSEY over all
p.s. "i would never want to live my life again, not that i have no regrets, it was just hard enough the first time" -Dr. loughlin