Mar 01, 2008 19:54
- Available: Yes
- Age: early 30's, though I am constantly mistaken for mid-20's
- Annoyance: too numerous to mention, but most recent irritation is city-loyalty.
- Animals: what, that I own? none atm, though I suppose my horse Amigo
- Birthday/Birthplace: July 15, Chicago suburb
- Best Friends: Chris, Brian, John Drage, John Hodges
- Body Part on opposite sex: yes!
- Best feeling in the world: what I want it to be: The security and blessed-ness of feeling God working in my life; what actually motivates me most: making the woman I'm interested in smile.
- Blind or Deaf: no
- Best weather: 85degrees, low breeze, sun with light clouds. Bodies of water also at 80degrees.
- Been on stage?: long, long time ago
- Believe in yourself?: in anythign He has gifted me in, sure
- Believe in miracles: yes, but mostly the "little" ones, the ones that aren't so obvious and physical
- Believe in Magic: yes, actually, but that would require an explaination of what I think magic is.
- Believe in God: yes, the God of Jacob and Isreal...and me
- Believe in Satan: yes, though an attempt to explicity define it's nature is probably impossible in this life, and probably irrelavent
- Believe in Santa: ?? why would I?
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yes
- Believe in Evolution: microevolution is fact, not an option.
- Car: Mazda Protege, '96
- Candy: mainly chocolate & peanut butter mixes
- Color: blue & black
- Cried in school: oh, in elementary a few times.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: assuming this is a food question, Chinese
- Cake or pie: cake
- Day or Night: day
- Dream vehicle: a sedan that never ages
- Danced: yes
- Dance in the rain? no
- Do the splits?: no
- Eggs: yes
- Eyes: brown
- Everyone has: been hurt and made mistakes
- Ever failed a class? no
- First crush: Jeanie Anthony, heh I was in frist grade, she was like 6th or 7th
- Full name: you either know it, or you don't
- First thoughts waking up: usually--ug, I gotta get up
- Food: Tool said it best: "Life feeds on life feeds on life...this is necessary"
-Greatest Fear: failure
-Giver or taker: giver
-Goals: live and grow
-Get along with your parents? yes, now I do
-Good luck charm: I don't have any, heh
--In guys/girls
-Eye color: working
-Hair Color: red > black > brunette > funky > blonde
-Height: yes
-Clothing Style: i'm not big on preppy clothes, nor 'cowgirl'. Though both can be attractive on occasion
-Characteristics: appreciative, honest, a good balance btwn scientific and emotive
- Hair Color: dark brown
- Height: 5' 6.5ish
- Happy: pretty much
- Holiday: what, favorite? The ones I like the most are becoming more annoying since I have to travel a long way and I know that since I don't run a ranch an dI don't have any kids, I'll always be the one traveling.
- How do you want to die: satisfied
- Health freak? no
- Hate: racism, love of money, self-centeredness, idle time
- Ice Cream: Chocolate chip
- Instrument: I have no rhythm. Ask Chris or Tracy about my last Rock Star drumming performance. :D
-Jewelry: none now, but I'd like to get an industrial
-Job: computer programmer
- Kids: don't like others', but I want a family of my own
- Longest Car Ride: CoMo to Miami, 26 hrs in one stretch
- Love: God, my family, friends, doing things for other people
- Letter: J :D
- Laughed so hard you cried: oh yes, isn't that great?
-Love at first sight: not love, but interest, yes
- Milk flavor: skim thru 2%
- Movie: I really want to see Golden Compass and Juno
- Mooned anyone?: i think so
- Marriage: I hope so
- Motion sickness?: No
- McD's or BK: BK
- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercings: 0
- Number: 5 or 25
- One wish: to know peace
- One phobia: being in front of people but not in a speaking role
- Place you'd like to live: Austin maybe.
- Perfect Pizza: oh, pizzas are so good. how about chicken alfredo and tomatoe, or hawaaiian(sp?) pizza.
- Pepsi/Coke: coke if I had to
- Questionaires: They are a fun way to pass the time when you should be doing something more important
- Reason to cry: it's a good way to release stress, and it can envoke empathy in others
- Reality T.V.: i've started getting back into it, sorta unfortunately
- Roll your tongue in a circle? yes
- Song: oh, there are tons
- Shoe size: 8.5EE
- Salad Dressing: Ranch if any
- Sushi: yes
- Skipped school: yeah, sometimes
- Slept outside: yes
- Seen a dead body?: yes
- Smoked?: no
- Skinny dipped? no
- Shower daily? that's the plan
- Sing well?: no
- In the shower?: no
- Swear?: once in a while
- Stuffed Animals?: no
- Single/Group dates: single only, group dates are an odd concept to me
- Strawberries/Blueberries: blueberries
- Scientists need to invent: more effictient anything and everything. and nueral implants in games, heh.
- Sport: baseball, softball, wrestling
- Time for bed: should be 11ish, but usually 12 or shortly thereafter
- Thunderstorms: they're awesome
- TV: not much
- Touch your tongue to your nose: i can't
- Unpredictable: i think i'm fairly, that sucks
- Vegetable you hate: onions
- Vegetable you love: tomatoes
- Vacation spot: Miami
- Weakness: no freaking discipline, jeesh!
- When I grow up: oh, did I miss that?
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: omg, what a scarey thought!
- Who makes you laugh the most: these days, Charlotte
- Worst feeling: waiting, failure
- Wanted to be a model?: no way!
- Where do we go when we die: i think "where" is really an inappropriate question
- Worst weather: drought(sp?)
-X-Rays: a couple
-Year it is now: 2008
-Yellow: is not a fave colour of mine
- Zoo animal: tortouises
- Zodiac sign: Cancer