Nov 11, 2004 21:08
i love my new setup... thanks to that awsome person who did it for me.... i didnt like the guys head though... well i went out to dinner with ryan heather my mom and my dad tonight and we were going to go out to the church dinner but they said they ran out of food right when we got there.... i think they ran out of food because i walked in there and as soon as i left the probably magicly some more food. just wait next time i go they wont have food again.... those people hate me... but im going to go to hell anyway and they will laugh at me from heaven..... they can suck my dick. i wouldnt want to go to their heaven anyway if they are damning others to hell for not being pert of their church. those bastards! well anyway... lol...... hmmmm i stayed home today because i had a "stomach ache"..... shcool goes by soooo fast if you jsut sleep through it.... in the past day ive gotten more sleep than i have in the past week. it was sooooooo sooooo very nice.... well i got some work to do so better get going.... and thanks again to that awsome person who set up my new background! and i especially like my icon.... its so true! caio caio