Work It

Mar 18, 2006 17:43

Hey y'all! How yer'all doin'? Hip hop baby superstar caesar's speakin', y'all! I'm preparin' fer tomorrow's bash. Got my nails done, my hair did, my brows worked and my bling picked. I'm all ready to git down and dirrty, y'all! I got muh threads all ready and all fer the big night. Ain't letting anyone see the full outfits in case of biters, y'noe. Don't wanna have nobody wearin' the same thing as I am.

Like I already told ya! Tonight's the big night! Me and my boys and my girls, we all gonna get real crunk, y'all! Not just crunk! But crazy crunk! I been preparin' fer tonight fer a long time, yo. Got a whole buncha my boys and my girls fittin' in ma crew. Ma crew's thirty deep, y'all! No s**t! Thirty deep! When was the last time I had a crew thirty deep!

If ya tell me last minute ya ain't comin' anymore and yo' fo' schizzle, I'MA HUNT YA DOWN WIT' A CLEAVER! I ain't no havin' anyone showin' me no disrespezzy like that! I CAN SMELL YA, YA 'HO! DONCHA DENY YA 'HO! IF IT TALKS LIKE A 'HO, IF IT WALKS LIKE A 'HO, IF IT SMELLS LIKE A 'HO, IT 'HO!! I'ma git ma crew and gank ya when ya ain't knowin' anythin'!

We be drinkin' barcardi and workin' the dance floor gittin' all hot and sweaty, real hot, y'all. Can't wait ta see yer'all biatches!
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