This was a rather disturbing film to watch
Maybe Casper should pick up the book?
At times, it was disturbing
The two lead characters filled practically almost every moment of the film
Even their children got scant mention
It made it feel like the audience was 'in' on a couple's most intimate conversation
Just the two of them
Yet the explosive relationship only got more and more fragile...
Everyone has a dream... but in reality, not everyone is better off chasing it
Society has pigeonholes for people to be stuffed into
The pleasant sub-urban "template" was stifling the Wheelers
Seemed like the issue could be sub-planted right here on this little red dot
The idea is such that a young, attractive "golden couple" with a nice home and two children must be happy
But was it really planned or everything just happened by the way?
The film was fantastic
The two leads can not be complimented any more
The sets, costumes, even the grainy images at parts
Truly fantastic
(Date of broadcast: 25/04/2009)