You know what I miss? I miss being in a loving relationship. I miss having someone to come home to after lives or a tour, someone who misses me when I'm gone, and always calls, someone who writes me long letters. Things like that. It would probably explain my behaviour these past few days with certain people -- I'm seeking intimacy, but all the wrong kinds.
I visited Miyavi the other day, and we watched a couple movies. Haven't really heard from him since, but then again, no one is really banging down my door in a few days.
Yomi surprised me tonight after our live in my dressing room and scared the shit out of me though I didn't let on. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least. I needed his company.
I had a chance to converse with
don_the_vampire tonight, and I can honestly say, he's one of the most well-spoken, intruiging people that I know -- and he's a Diru fan. He's coming to Japan in a week or so to visit Mana, but he promised to visit me. So he'll come to one of our lives, then we'll all go out for drinks or whatever afetrwards. Yeah, I really cannot wait for that, it'll be nice to actually meet someone new.
I'm really tired. I'll be back again soon.