Chinward, ho!

May 20, 2010 21:20


Maurice, Alec and Batman: Eternal Members of the Cleft Chin Club

Alec might be thinking, Get out of here, Bats! I want to make out with Maurice.
Poor Morrie is wondering what else Bats has that's way more prodigious than his!

Imagine if instead of Alec scampering into Morrie's bedroom that one fateful night, Batman came swooping in and beat the snot out of poor Morrie, thinking he was the Joker?

Bats: Whoops! My bad. (Zooms out the window, leaving Morrie a bloody mess, and definitely not in the mood for Alec to come into the room and molest him further).

But if Bats did make a cameo appearance the film, it would have done boffo box office for Merchant-Ivory.  (In a rabid announcer's voice) COMING SOON FROM THE MIGHTY WORLD OF DC COMICS! MAURICE, THE COMIC BOOK! WITH SPECIAL GUEST, BAT MIGHT!

Alright, put away those shotguns, I"m leaving.

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