[Some time during the night, Neil failed to realize what had happened to him and the other passengers. So while he sleeps, his sphere shows, what appears to be Amaterasu in his place. He's still a bit sleepy when he wakes up and doesn't notice that he's changed sleeping position so that he's curled up in a ball. He only notices when his brain wakes up a bit and he realizes he is walking on all fours. One glance in the mirror next to him has him jumping back in surprise with a yelp when he finds himself face to face with Amaterasu. But she had jumped with him. And it doesn't explain how he has... white paws? Oh no no no, this has to be some crazy dream. He's imagining it, yes. Slowly, he approaches the mirror again and raises a paw, watching as realization hits that his, or perhaps "her", reflection is copying his movements. As his ears flatten against his head, he walks slowly for the door and heads out into the hall. Once the door shut, he pauses and stands on his rear legs. He presses the paw with the barcode against the scanner, only to find that he is denied access. After a couple more futile attempts, he goes back to all fours and lays down next to the door with a whine.]