Re-proaching the jore-null

Jan 19, 2004 14:48

hey guys. i decided to give this ole thang another whirly-twirly so here I be tippity typing away. its another entry about something.

As i've been forced to associate with what one might consider "undesireables" at school, i've continued to gain greater contempt for some of the gated community crowd. From the people that i actually consider to be real solid FRIENDS (fuck that TV show) i've noticed a distinct difference between the way my friends and I act towards each other and the way members of the oppresive rulling class act between themselves.

The truth of the matter is.. they just aren't very good friends. they are stengy with everything from notebook paper to MIND CORRUPTING (¿!) drugs. If i am with my actual comrades there is no question as to if we share with other people. I don't get the feeling the BMW driving adolescents would take a bullet for me. Contrarily, they would probably take the last morsel of food out of an illegal immigrant's supply if it meant more cookies on Christmas.

This probably gets back to another concept - money corrupts! The more you have, the more you want and the less you give. An example:

(Be forwarned - it will be hard for me to explain this without seeming like i want to be [or am] spoiled.. draw your own conclusions)

My father is the President of a small business. My mother is a public school teacher at East Broad Elementary. My father makes approximatly ten times the salary that my mother does in one year. My father recently bought a new car after having his last one for 14 years. That original car now sits motionless, decreasing in value every day. If i had an extra car that i didn't even use as a spare car I would give it to someone else (such as my son who just might have gotten a driver's liscense)!

But that is not how it works.

The way it works IS: my mother's sister's husband (or my uncle by marriage) decided to give me a car for free that he no longer needs. And so now, when i wasn't expecting to be driving an automobile (EVER) one has dropped out of the heavens and should land in front of my house in March. So that is no longer the issue. NOW it is paying for car insurance. Somewhere around $70 a month. Where is that going to come from? Well, according to my thought process it would be the person with the largest bank account, or Father Duffy. But as always the person who might loose her house to outstanding debts will bear the burden. My mother said she'd find away to do it. To me that means, charge it to the credit card.
Some fucking generocity.

(but everyone sure could use it)

Anyways, since this is a JOURNAL entry and i tend to use mine as more of an extended editorial on life we'll put a little personal section at the end of this one. Instead of writing a bunch of stuff i wouldn't be interested reading in someone else's livejournal I'll just list a few songs i've been listening to lots of recently.

The Clash - Spanish Bombs
Metallica - The Four Horsemen (off the album KILL 'EM ALL!)
Motorhead - Speedfreak
Samhain - He Who Cannot Be Named
Slayer - Mandatory Suicide
Tupac - Wonder Why They Call You Bitch
KRS-ONE - the real hip hop is over here
Metallica - Motorbreath
The Adolescents - Creatures
NWA - Straight Outta Compton
Journey - Don't stop Believin'
The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket
Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me
Meatjack - Infidel

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