Some friends of mine from school told me they were desperate for intoxication so they drank cooking wine. Now they gag if they see/mentally view a bottle of the stuff. I don't think i have quite the dependency on substances to make me consume cooking wine but i guess we can't all be as hardkore as we want to.
Speaking of hardkore motha fuckaz, i attended another Aura Fest. And much like the last one, the place was over run with 300 lb "Mall Goths." Kylesa was great. The band before them was extremely fucking horrible. They were a three piece from California (I didn't bother to find out what their name was - it'd probably make me dislike them more which isn't really necessary) and were all really weirdly shaped. The guy who was doing the vocalizing was large (but NOT in charge) and appeared to be in his mid-forties. For most of the songs they played he moaned (like the dude in Creed) and seemed like he wished he was 22. Then on the last song he started getting a little excited and began a little screaming. As any tru badasses can tell you, moaning < screaming. the problem was the guy was too big, ugly and stationary to get much of a crowd response. Maybe the real reason i didn't like these folks was that Disturbed was playing (at an OZZFEST) on the T.V. above the band, and
their lead vocalizer is also extremely ugly and more so exemplifies the stereotypical lard-ass metal fiend.
I'm going to start beefing up for the next aura fest. A diet completely of Wendy's triple Quarter pounders and Ice Cream Sandwiches will do me good. Or maybe just going to the Oglethorpe mall and stopping off at every place in the food court for the ENTIRE day would give me the extra couple layer of fat i so desire. That way the next series of 300-400 lb. dudes who try to shatter my rib cage (with their fists) at a Kylesa show will be sat on with a vengeance. I ain't joking neither. I'll sit on you too and break your rib cage.
But dude, one of the bands covered Slayer's glorious "Angel of Death!" I was outside though, making me unable to go in and somehow cause my self some permanent injury. At shows in the future i think the kids (no, not the band) that are waiting outside because they can't afford to pay money to go in, and don't feel like writing fake marks on their hand should start their OWN mosh pit in the street and then we can break our bodies FOR FREE! It will be so.
You may recall the freshman females i characterized as Hot Topic fans in another post. Well they were there. The little sister of my friend Andrew (who drank the cooking wine) has a friend that Andrew drives home from school. He says the friend "likes me." Don't really know what that means. Maybe we can go on a date to Hot Topic.