May 12, 2003 21:04
We have a quiz on vocab dealing with poetry in english class.
19. pastoral - a poem (also called an eclogue, a bucolic, or an idyll) that describes that simple life of country folk, usually shepherds who live in a timeless, painless (and sheepless) life in a world that is full of beauty, music, and love
Well next time i encounter a beautiful, musical, and SHEEPLESS shepherd I'll be sure to put him in his pastoral place. WHO EVER HEARD OF A SHEEPLESS SHEPHERD WHO WAS PAINLESSLY INVOLVED IN MUSIC?! DO THEY SIT AROUND THE CAMPFIRE AND PLAY JOLLY OLE FOLK TUNES?
If my job was to herd sheep and i was OUT OF SHEEP, i think i'd be DEPRESSED -- NOT READY TO BE DESCRIBED AS PAIN-FREE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE WITH A LOVING NATURE. More like ready to write an existentialist interpretation of the lagging economy or a stereotypical livejournal entry about intense depression (which grew out of business failures -- SHEPHERD; NO SHEEP).
And we can't forget that time is timeLESS. "OH HOW THE TIME DOESN'T GO BY HERE IN THE COUNTRY."
I mean, jeez.
SARCASM is also on the list! WHO GRADUATES THE SECOND GRADE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT SARCASM IS?! But i guess i don't really know anything about sarcasm, do i?
Could someone tell me WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?--
24. sestina - an elaborate verse structure written in blank verse that consists of six stanzas of six lines each followed by a three line stanza. The final words of each line in the first stanza appear in variable order in the next five stanzas and are repeated in the middle and at the end of the three lines in the final stanza, as in Elizabeth Bishop's "Sestina."
Man, i can't wait until i get out in the real world where i will use words like that! MY ENGLISH TEACHERS DON'T EVEN USE WORDS LIKE THAT. But i dont think i need to worry about becoming an english teacher, seeing as i don't know how to read.