First update in 34 weeks WOOT

Nov 20, 2007 14:28

lol so I was talking to a friend online and she said she was going to update her livejournal. So I was like livejournal wow I haven't updated that in ages. I get on to find out that it in fact was ages ago, 34 weeks to be exact so here I am. Well a lot has happend in 34 weeks. It's not that I have been avoiding LJ I just forgot it existed. Lets see 34 weeks ago would of been the week of March 19th so lets see everything important that has happend since then. I got initiated in to Phi Kappa Tau FINALLY. I got hit by a car no broken bones thank the lord. Emily and I had our one year anniversary. I worked at Bandit again during the summer. I took a geology class during the summer in which I got a B go me :). Classes are going well I might make it on the Dean's list for the first time ever. Emily and I got engaged on Sept 4th yay. I have been Dutot's assistant MOO for the semester teaching the new guys everything they need to know to be a Phi Tau. I have yet to get a deer but I'm hoping this weekend. Thanksgiving is in two days I all ways look forward to the break. Emily leaves to go to Florida tomorrow :(. Sad yes but she gets to see her little brother and sister so I'm happy for her. Oh my sister is pregnant again with a girl and is expecting late january so she will have two little girls almost two years apart. Casey her husband really wanted a boy since she has two girls already but I'm sure he will love this one the same. Speaking of girls Caitlyn is doing great that little girl grows more and more every time I see her and I love her more and more as she gets older she is going to be one smart kid. Christmas is coming soon looking forward to that because I get to go to Florida with Emily again it should be fun. Well that's all for now. A lots happened in 34 months and for the most part I am happy with my life right now. I have a few things I still need to work on but things all good later everyone.
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