Bored at work

Jun 22, 2006 11:24

CENTER>My life is rated MA!

Your life is rated MA!

What is your life rated? (TV Scale)

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My Family Guy scene...

Pretty Girl at front door: Hi, I'm on a scavenger hunt and, uh, I need a human foot.
Peter: Well, usually I wouldn't, but since you asked so nicely [starts sawing foot off]... what is this, for- AAH AAH OH MY GOD.

Which Family Guy scene are you?

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I died of cholera.

You died of cholera on Oregon Trail.

How'd you die on Oregon Trail?

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I'm Mario!

You're Mario, the spunky title figure of Nintendo's flagship. From wielding fireballs to driving a go-kart, nothing stops you: well, except a good lasagna.

Which Mario Bros. character are you?

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I'm Toucan Sam!

Big-nosed and colorful, you're the Fruit Loops mascot, Toucan Sam!

Which cereal mascot are you?

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CENTER>I'm a Dwarf!

The stoic dwarves of Ironforge are an ancient race of robust humanoids who live beneath the snow-capped mountains of Khaz Modan. The Dwarves have always been fast allies with the Humans, and they revel in the prospects of battle and storytelling alike. In past ages, the Dwarves rarely left the safety of their mountain fortresses. However, whenever the call to battle sounded, they rose up to defend their friends and allies with unmatched courage and valor. Due to a recent discovery that uncovered fragments of their ancient origins, the Dwarves have undergone a remarkable transformation. The discovery convinced the Dwarves that the mighty Titans created them from stone when the world was young. They feel that their destiny is now to search the world over for more signs and proof of their enchanted heritage and to rediscover the Titans' hidden legacies. To this end, the Dwarves have sent out their Prospectors to all ends of the world in the hopes of discovering new insight into their shrouded past. These journeys led to Dwarven excavation sites all over the known world, some of which serve as outposts and some of which serve as potential hunting grounds for enemies of the Dwarven race. (Bio borrowed from

What World of Warcraft race are you?

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