Mar 19, 2009 21:10
After a great deal of doing not a lot and wishing I would do stuff, Ray managed to organise a small fighter practice with people who are interested in turning up...
OK - here comes the side rant.
I have been getting incresingly fustrated in the local training sessions. There are people who expect you to organise/run a lesson, then spend most of the time telling you how they do things and that they know everything....
So I have been not going to things, thus copping flak for now not doing cannot win.
Anyway - last nights training. We had R, N, R and I. We used a local park close to one of the better pups in town. We lost light fairly quickly but we still managed to go for an hour and half. Mostly drills and some free fighting. All good. It was wonderful to have a group of keen people doing stuff again.
So - feeling enthused about fighting again. WOOT
So things to do this weekend at the shop-
New sword - the old one is almost dead. I am going to make a longer one this time and see how it goes.
New enarm for R's shield. R's current shield has a cupboard handle....this will be replaced with a leather one.
Trim N's shield. N has these round shields that just keep getting bigger and bigger. It is getting to the point were it is way too big and getting in his way. So I am trimming it to the dimensions recommended by Duke Siridian (should end up being about 24 inches across, who would have thunk it!).
Replace leather edging on my good sheild.
So not much to do then....