Mutiple updates:
1) My friends and I, after college/sixth form, are planning a trip across mainland Europe. I explained this to my mother.
Now, recently, I have been interested in doing the
International Baccalaureate, which is all well and good, except I, having not taken a language at GCSE level, am unable to take it (the IB, that is). Of course, Japanese, the only language I enjoy learning, isn't classed as a 'modern foreign language' so doesn't count. However! Mr. Fox has invited me and a very select few other individuals who are capable of doing the International Baccalaureate to attend 'language catch-up sessions' by which we can pick up a language from where we left off in Year 9 (French/Spanish) or even learn Latin 'ab initio'. I, however, would rather do French, but anyway.
I spoke to my Mum about this. She says that if I am capable of being committed to the language catch up (which by the way doesn't involve any tests!) she will pay a good deal towards my trip across mainland Europe.
2) I have one more week left of school - well, of learning - before I depart for Normandy, then come back for a day, then go to Dorset, then come back for two weeks, then begin my voyage to Australia for four weeks. This is both a blessing and a curse. It is the former in that Normandy, Dorset and Perth are fantastic places where I will enjoy myself a lot. It is the latter in that we are planning a huge revamp of the
Midna Fan Forum. However, things will sort themselves out. Probably. Going on trips is more fun that coding for websites.
3) I finally cancelled my web hosting by ringing them up and saying "Gosh darnit man, cancel your service or I will take your company to court!". The depressed, probably alcoholic man who was in his early twenties on the phone pressed a button and it was done.
Hold on, though. It takes one click to cancel my web hosting plan? How come, then, before I gave up all hope of doing it over the internet, I had to visit certain pages ten times, enter the first, fourth and last digits of my security number, do a little dance with a carrot stapled to my ear- no. One click. This made me angry.
4) I got a haircut yesterday. If you ask me, I look rather stylish.