"The lunatics have taken over the asylum!" February 5, 1919

Jan 29, 2006 22:56

Friends, I give you UNITED ARTISTS.

The "Big Four," including some of those necessary legal types.

Notice how cleverly the line of sight moves all down to me, as I look into the camera. I've been grateful that most people do not recognize me on the everyday street without Charlot's moustache, but perhaps when they run this photo there will be no more mistaking...!

The price one pays for freedom.

Our "Debut" photo-opportunity at the studio. How I do hate candid photos...

Our first president will be long-time friend and associate of us all, Oscar Price, who managed our successful Liberty Loan drive for the War.

The photo-opp with D.W. and Mary.

As for Doug, Mary, and I, we will be celebrating... like the lunatics we are!!
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