So I was bored, and saw this. I haven't actually done one of these. Not that it tells you much about me, other than the fact I'm fairly dry, but still.
The Basics:
01. Todays Date: November 1st
02. The Time: 5:20pm (although by the time I’ve finished this marathon thing it’ll be significantly later…)
03. Name: Sam, Samuel, Biggles, various conjugations of them…
04. Gender: Male
05. Birthday: September 12th (b. 1985)
06. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
07. Eye Color: Blue. Yes. Blue eyes rock.
08. Hair Color: Browny-blond.
09. Height: 6’1” last time I measured.
10. Weight: Oh sure, get personal. I neither know nor care. Which I consider a healthy point of view.
11. Right or Left Handed: Right
12. Where were you born: Ward 1B, St. Johns Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, England. (Ok, so I made the ward number up)
13. Where do you live: Danbury, England. (for full address, see post below. And send me xmas cards!)
14. What's Your Zip Code: Pfft. In England we has POST CODES, which is a far more logical name for them. A ZIP is a fastener.
Who was your...
15. First Crush: Tropical Fruit. (Hah, swerved you)
16. First Kiss: I guess this would be my mother, as she cradled me in her arms at birth. Unless my dad got in first. Or I had a seriously weird doctor.
17. First Sex: Can’t recall any recent sex change operations, so I reckon I’ve always been male.
18. Are you Single or Attached: Single. (See, I can answer these sensibly occasionally.)
19. If Attached, who and how long: n/a
20. Ever Been In Love: Yup.
21. If yes, with who: Hah, yea right. I tell you, and tomorrow it’s in the papers, being read by 10 million people, uh, yea.
22. Are you currently in love: I’m honestly not sure.
23. If yes, with who: See question 21.
24. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yea, I guess
25. Do you believe in soul mates: Uhh, sure.
Gettin Freaky:
26. Ever skinny dipped: Yup
27. Ever been caught skinny dipping: Nope
28. Ever played games that require removal of clothing: Yup
29. Ever been drunk: Yup
30. Ever been caught 'doing something': Well that would depend on what that ‘something is.’ Doing maths homework, yes. Drugs, no. Anything else… who knows.
31. Are you a tease: Yes, in some ways. For example, I’m teasing you now by refusing to answer these questions in a straight manner.
What do you like in a man? (Girls only)
Shockingly, I deleted these. Not being a girl…
Are You A:
46. Wuss: Yes
47. Druggie: Nope, never. Apart from the occasional aspirin.
48. Gang Member: Yes. I’m a hulking greased up hairy biker. With a chain. Uh, no.
49. Daydreamer: Yes, aren’t we all?
50. Alcoholic: Not yet, there’s still room for improvement.
51. Freak: From time to time.
52. Dork: Incessantly.
53. Bitch/Asshole: When I choose to be.
54. Brat: Nope.
55. Sarcastic: Eternally.
56. Goody-Goody: Uh, not really. Although I’d have to say occasionally I guess.
57. Angel: Nah. I don’t understand why girls go gooey over that David Boreeanzaeazaez guy.
58. Devil: Nah, just one of his high ranking minions.
59. Horny: Isn’t that a song?
60. Friend: Always.
61. Shy: Frequently, when approaching people I don’t know.
62. Talkative: With people I know, yes. I flip between the two extremes.
63. Joker: I do my best.
64. Callgirl: Hahaha.
65. Sporty: In a couple of sports. Otherwise, mainly an armchair viewer.
66. Intelligent: So I’m told.
67. Flirty: Not especially, although my British accent seems to be having an odd effect on several people.
Where do you see yourself in the future:
68. Occupation: I honestly have no clue. Something with a geography degree that I enjoy, and is financially comfortable. Money isn’t everything, but it helps.
69. Location: England still, but later in life I intend to move to New Zealand, still have lots of family down there… embrace my Kiwi heritage.
70. Dream Vehicle: Aston Martin
71. Marriage: Not something I’m looking for especially, but if the right person comes along, sure.
72. Kids: Again, not something I’m desperate for, but you never know where life will take you.
73. Honeymoon: Don’t care.
74. Tomorrow: Work. Playing games.
Let's Play a Word Association Game: WOOT!
75. Rubber Gloves: Sink
76. Rock: Scorpion King
77. Green: Slytherin
78. Wet: Blanket
79. Cry: Baby
80. Peanut: Snoopy
81. Hay: Barn
82. Hot: Dog
83. Cold: Lolly
84. Steamy: Sauna
85. Fast: Furious
86. Freaky: Bacon. Ok, so I thought it said streaky.
87. Stick Shift: What the hell is this?
88. Rain: Dance
89. Bunnies: Easter
90. Bite: Me
91. Nibble: Chew
92. Suck: Straw
93. Blow: Job. Dammit, that’s too crude. Crude I tell you…
94. Hard: Calculus. Ha, avoiding the crude one this time.
95. Extra Long: edition of LOTR on DVD
96. Limp: Biskit suck
97. Needle: Pins
98. Oral: Hygiene. Another crude possibility averted. Whoo
99. Honey: Mustard
100. High Heels: Women
101. Fetish: Funky word.
102. Light: bulb
103. Napkin: Mess
104. Elevator: We call it a LIFT, dammit.
105. Closet: Cupboard. See these American words just make me think of the English equivalent.
106. Red: letter
Randomness Part 2:
107. A Memory or Thing You Miss Most: Being young, not caring about anything.
108. A Memory You'd Like to Forget: Many many, which I don’t want to share. Sorry.
109. The Thing You Regret Most: Too private to share. Ask if you care.
110. What Did You/Will You Do This Weekend: I’m being thoroughly lazy this weekend.
111. Last Person You Talked to on the Phone: The water board.
112. Last Thing You Ate: Bar of galaxy chocolate
113. Last Song You Heard: Nancy Sinatra - ‘Bang Bang’
114. If You Were a Crayon, What Color Would You Be: For starters, I’d be a colour, not a color. But uh, light blue.
115. How's the Weather: Overcast
116. Name a few objects within close reach: Magic 8 ball, Mr Beaver, lots of stationary and stuff.
117. Who's Your Daddy: Me. I’m the daddy. Oh my daddy? He’s in the other room.
118. Do You Like to Dance: I’m in the mood, for dancing… uh, a fair bit, yes.
119. Do You Sleep With a Stuffed Animal: No, but there’s some in my armchair. Yes I have my own chair :PP
120. What's the Stupidest Thing You've Ever Done: Wasted 25 minutes filling this in.
121. Night or Day: Evening
122. Are You High: Not especially. Essex is a flat county.
123. Are You Drunk/Caffinated: On my way, to both actually.
124. What Are You Wearing: Muttley t-shirt, jeans.
The Finale:
125. Now is the chance to say something to the person who sent you this survey: No one sent it to me. I pinched it off Olivia.
126. What do you think of this survey: Tooooo long, but vaguely amusing.
127. What was one question you wanted to be asked: What is the Matrix.
128. What would your answer have been: There is no spoon.
129. How are you: 18
130. What time is it: 5:45pm, meaning I’ve spent 25 minutes on this!! Argh.