Aaaaand away we go. Well. Me. Probably not we. Ah well. Away I go!

Oct 01, 2004 15:54

Ok, things are kinda manic right now, as I'm frantically packing. Computer goes at the absolute last minute though. That's a given *g*

Leaving tomorrow for uni. Most exciting :-)

Reeeeeally looking forward to it (just not the 5 and a half hour drive to get there), just having troubles deciding what to take. This primarily involves the heart-wrenching decisions as to which of the precious DVD collection makes the trip with me. I've promised those left behind they can come second or third term *g*

Aaaand yea. The point of this is just to let people know I guess I won't be around much for the next week at least, as I get settled in, and enjoy the mayhem of freshers week. So much drinking. Damn. The hardship. I'll check e-mails and whatnot I guess.

I'd give you an address... if I knew it. I'm assuming it's just my name @ Collingwood, that I won't have to bother with room number, though I'll get back to you, for anyone who really wants it. Just uh, send me a text or something if you want me. Mobile number is in this LJ somewhere.

So yea. Toodles! :-)

(nb - when I say toodles, I'll still be around this evening. Just getting ahead of myself)

Addendum: I am ENJOYING this new Green Day album. It's slowly grown on me, which I wouldn't have thought possible. Ah well.
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