Apr 11, 2006 16:37
I want to dispell any speculation that this is in some way an isolent retort to Mr. Nuss' post, i do not wish to revile or scrutinize his post in any way. I appluad him for his views that most of America thinks but won't say. I do however wish to examine and comment on the issue from my perspective.
Does anyone else not find this controversy so ridiculously contradictory that it's humorous? I hate to be abrasive and label a group of people, who historically have frequently to say the least been linked to this sort behavior in a overtly paradoxical way, but none the less i still hate the label "Americans". We are a nation of immigrants. From the colonization of this land, we have seen the gradual repugnant containment and utter extinction of one of the most noble races and true native inhabitants of this land, in the name of the lord and manifest destiny. This country was built on the blugeoned backs of men stolen from their homes, and held captive in the bondage of slavery for hundreds of years. We have seen the disenfranchisement and segegation of all minorities, and the imperialist yoke planted in countries spanning across the globe. I could go on for years speaking about the abominations that have occured in this country of ours. So how dare anyone say who can and cannot be allowed access here, this is a nation built on the blood of the innocent, and stolen from its rightful owners. The european false superior ideology has plagued this nation for centuries. Even the American revolution the paragon of our country's desire and abominable will for equality was truly in vein. Ya i know Mrs. Johnson your 5th grade teacher taught you of a noble fight, a fight to throw off the shackles of opression, a war of red, white, and blue, a war of battles fought in the name of liberty......just enough patriotism to place your jeff Gordon hat over your heart and chant USA! I can just see the framers now ..."nigger get back to work, umm how bout all men created equal, that has a nice ring to it." I hate to inform you this country has continually diluted everything it stands for by such inequities as this. I know i went off on a tangent there and I dont know if i can adequately put my thoughts into words i am so flustered by this issue, but i felt it neccessary to convey how absolutely ridiculous of us it is to discriminate immigrants.
I guess the basic point i am trying to convey is that we are a nation immigrants, and how dare us to proclaim us on our self-righteous pedistal a mandate discriminating 11 million people. Here they come again imposing their laughably hypocritical agenda. I mean Emma Lazarus poem on the statue of liberty doesnt say "give me you tired, your poor....but could you make sure they arent brown?" Talks of building a wall around the Texas/Mexican border boggle my mind, and making immigration a felony, truly instills a even more deep hatred towards this (cough cough) conservative government. Did you hear me a FELONY, being an illegal immigrant would by law be the equivalent of being a murderer. WAKE UP AMERICA. If you wanna talk about the real issues of depressing the unskilled labor market, then we should discuss the raising of the minimum wage and even the playing field (if the wage had followed inflation it would be 23 dollars an hour, its a fact look it up). But we dont talk about the companies going over to recruit this labor, or big business imposing illegal practices. "Most of them are uninsured and dont pay taxes." Not true, the uninsured rate of latinos and black are congruent to one another, simply because these are the two poorest minorities. Both have a majority of idigent healthcare patients. "We absolutely need a large supply of immigrant labor for our overall, long-term economic health. Immigrants have a negative short-term impact on local governments fiscal situation, but over the long haul, immigrants pay more in taxes than they take in services. We need to stop employers from taking unfair (and often illegal), advantage of immigrants and they will be competing with Americans on a level playing field." There are ways of handling this sensibly, not by rounding all of them up depression era style and sending them back. These are the same people who have earned medals of honor and been decorated fighting for this country, just to be denied access in arlington cemetary. I am proud to say i am from the city where one of the largest rallies was held, where over 500,000 workers protested this iniquitous legislation, and i support all who join together in protest.
"No doubt much of the anti-immigrant feeling is coming from the same place it always has - prejudice. We also didn't want the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians or the Jews. Now there are people in a panic because salsa outsells ketchup, ballots must be multilingual, customer service offers an option in Spanish."--Deborah Leavy. We are so audacious and absurd as a society. We would shit if we go to France and no one spoke english, because we are just that pretentious. "Doesnt any speak American around here!" I can just hear middle America now, "Oh heavens i went to a car dealership with a flag that said Se Hable Espanol, what a accomadating gesture ....that makes me sick." I am dumbfounded with this country, what has happend to us?
Justin "Anyone who is hispanic, and can with a clear conscious be a proud conservative republican, deserves a traitors death" Myers