(no subject)

Dec 24, 2008 02:16

What is it about 2 in the morning that makes companies think that people awake at this hour are more susceptable to buying shit than people awake at 2 in the afternoon? Is it the fact that people awake at this hour may be slightly more inebriated and therefore want to go out immediately and buy the Kodak easyshare camera? Do they really think that we are so tired that our state of mind is altered enough to buy everything they advertise? The ads I'm watching are no different than those in the day except for the fact that they are at least 10 times longer than the ones in the day. Are they boring us to death with a commercial so long that we eventually believe that if we buy this product this horrible neverending, repititive hell of a commercial will end? Who knows....not I says the wolf.

In a completely unrelated story my mind somehow wandered back to antimatter today. I was with Roger and was faced with the moral battle of the following: if I was to meet anti-matter Roger, him being of the same mind and genetic structure, and was to do with him what I do with Rogerroger, is it cheating? Theyre the same person essentially but at the same time not. And viceversa with Rogerroger and anti-matter Norah? It would be like twins but different. It's a crazy concept that once again we may never find the answer for.

It's christmas eve....I should be asleep.

Merry Christmas

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