Black Hawk Down - Delta Snipers

May 27, 2020 10:00

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Shughart’s M14 is damn sexy. Fun Fact: A lot of Delta guys would poke fun at him for using the old rifle. However, because of the drugged up militia men taking multiple 5.56mm rounds and not falling, Shughart would carry the M14, as one 7.62 round would usually bring someone down.

There was a documentary not too long ago where they did a lot of interviews with not only with the Americans and other UN personal involved, like the Malaysian and Pakistani troops, but with many Civilians and former Aidid Militiamen. The former Milita really shed a lot of light on the battle and I remember one of the things that stood out was the guy talking about their battle against the Gordon and Shughart, most of the Militia were high on Khat which increases aggressiveness yet many of them fled after so many were killed, he says that the ones who stayed thought that the two snipers were demons and he also expressed regret because he says that not long afterwards many who had fought against the UN forces realized Aidid had just used them and controlled them with propaganda and drugs like khat and he talks about how being involved in the battle with Gordan and Shughart was one of the things that he regretted most because he really respected them and so did many former Milita, The documentary was on PBS and I would recommend it to everyone because it is such a sobering view of not only the battle but of war and humanity in general.

- You’re locked n loaded...any skinnys com around these corners you watch our back...
- Where the rescue squad?

sof, video, delta

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