Apr 23, 2008 19:22
Every person, no matter who they are, every human has a social fear.
Not everyone has a phobia, or a specific fear such as peanut butter, spiders, or heights, but, everyone does have a social anxiety.
The drive of humans, to be and to be safe.
People want "to be." they want to be real. They want to be true to themselves. They want to be true to the identity they have for themselves that is not cluttered by the image dictated of what they should be. Not who their parents want them to be. Not who their friends want them to be. Not who someone else is, that they want to imitate, and most importantly, not who magazines and MTV want them to be. Not even just MTV, but general society.
Some communities don't dictate consumerism and flashy clothes, but still have a style all of their own that isn't any less flexible in its regiment. The "cafe cool" as i call it. The intellectual, grimy person. Children who think they are enlightened and who dress in clothes that look worn down, but were actually bought ripped up, and worn down by a separate individual whos life story they do not know.
The to be is separate from the "to be safe," because the to be safe is the social anxiety fighting with the "to be."
One wants to be accepted, not only accepted, but included and to be safe, one must feel that they are included, while being themselves. But, to be included, it would seem that one usually has to give up part of their to be, in order to be safe. to be with people. to be in the larger, general society, and to be accepted, is to be safe. and that my friends, is hard for someone to achieve if they don't care about everyone else's to be. so, all the to be's become partially dissolved into a more fitting, we all unite under the common interest of being safe. i want a companion. a friend, a shared activity.
we all want to be safe, we all want to be.