May 21, 2005 04:28
Hey Everybody,
Hope you are all doing good. I had a crappy dat.woke up got the roofers again..thank God they are finished now. I helped my mom paint her bathroom before going to work...didn't really feel like it,but she needed my help so I helped her out. I talked to LeeAnn for about 3 minutes..I had to get ready for work so didn't talk to her long. I got to work and I was at at a register for about 5 minutes and I had this old couple come through my line. The man gave me a hundred dollar bill and I gave him back change of $65.20 cents keep in mind i counted this out to him..and told him to have a nice day. I started checking the next customers out and I think I got through them and started on the next customers and this man comes raring back up and he starts pointing his finger at me and saying that I cheated him out of 20 dollars and that he wanted to talk to the manager and this bullshit and by that time I was already pissed off..I told him to take it up with the CSM. I had to give the current customer change and I had to break a hundred for them 2 so I went to the CSM podium and he was over there pointing his finger at me and talking some mad shit and I was like "sir I gave you back $65.20..I even counted it back to you" He's like no I'm right you only gave me back $45.20..blah blah blah...I still had to give the other people their change so I started to the cash office to get change and Ashley the CSM was telling me to come back,but I was pissed so I went on up there anyways...I got the other customers change and AShley wanted to do a spot check so that we could prove that I did everything right...I was pissed off so I was like fine...we counted my money and it was down to the penny. I was right he was wrong..we even told him that it came out even and that I was right,but he insisted that he was right and I was we had to get all the CSM's involved .like 4 CSM's and two managers and this went on for like 20-30 minutes...Hope finally told him that we would double check at the end of the night and call him tomorrow to tell him something,but there was nothing they could do about it. He said well I'm going to return all these groceries because they have probably ruined by now...WHAT A FUCKING DEUCE BAG!!!!!!!!! Anyways..they made me go to the door for awhile then I got my break...before I went to break they told me that tehy double checked my money and I was indeed correct!!!!!!!!!! MADE ME FEEL GOOD TO KNOW THAT I WAS RIGHT!!!! Anyways..the rest of the night I was at a register. I made it through it somehow...saw Shawn,Nick,and Andrew(Cherry) on the way out and they said they were goig to play Halo 2 so I came mom said Diego called so I called him back but no answer...called a ride over to Shawn's..we played Halo 2 for awhile then everybody got tired of it and itw as just me adn Shawn playing and he is so good he killed me 50 times and I killed him 3...."sigh" day I will rule him..ONE DAY!!!!!! I got tired of that so I walked home around home around 2:45 and I've been siting here talking on msn for awhile now..its really late though and I Have to go to work today from 4-11 so I guess I better go....Yall take care....oh by the way heard that JAR JAR BINKS DOESN"T SPEAK THE FIRST WORD IN EPISODE 3 SO i"M HAPPY. Couldn't stand him in the other 2 movies. I mean yeah he was funny,but pointless. Anyways I'm out..PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST FOR MY SANITY OK.