I am in agreement with you on the issue of Israel as well as the "our struggle" portion, if that means anything. I used to stand on the side of Israel, before I actually read or discussed the issue. (This was back in high school, mind you, and it was rooted in my faith and ignorant patriotism.) The pro-Israeli slant is disgusting and I find it saddening that they are only in power over the Palestinians because of the US's backing and our bully status in the Middle East. It has only been Israel, as we know it, since 1940 and this feud will probably never be resolved. I find the divine right argument equally unconvincing on both side and truly only find myself with a bit of a spite toward the country of Israel because it has been thrust into power as though they are the rightful heir. Holy wars and actions often cause more pain in the world than any good I see that has come from religion. I think that the battles themselves are fueled by racism and religious superiority from both and neither should be the foundation. Children are often scolded for their selfish inability to share, but adults are far worse, at least kids don't kill people over it, though they might if they new how to. There is no real solution or resolution and I don't know what to hope for in the future other than an idealistic and unrealistic peace. As for offending people, keep up the good work. Some people take offense to easily in this country and feel that you have no right to offend them. I think that is absurd! There are also those who are too tied to people they have no direct connection to and that too pisses me off. My last statement is not in reference to any particular group as such individuals can be found in almost all groups one can conceive and the implications of being tied to people you truly have no connection with can yield results that are seen as good or bad by different people in different situations.It appears, to me, that you have sufficient knowledge on the subject to make a thoughtful comment.
I am proud to be one of the few, the proud, the readers of Jared's journal.
I am proud to be one of the few, the proud, the readers of Jared's journal.
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