walks bak in...

May 02, 2008 02:53

wots up?

any1 out there anymore?

cant rele see maself gettn into this again but the thot of livejournal popped into my mind so thot id check out last entries.. all a cn say is.......FUKIN CHEESEBALL hahaaaaaaaahahaha

used words like smashalashin, y did no1 shoot me?
but guess its all part of growin up, gettn by the way u dnt wana b and bein who u wana b for the rest of ur life.

cant believe how much life has changed for me since they last entries and the growin up thts actually bn done - thts goin bak to wen skool existed for us!

iv accomplished drivin, job experience, bar experience, jury duty, amazin hot lookin girlfriend and stil ongoin, investing, managin drink, proper dance offs haha.. hard decisions, easy decisions, meetin gd ppl who r nw life friends, bein on night out terms with bouncers from a wide range of clubs compared to how it used to b gettn id'd all the time.. bein friends with an up and comin pe teacher - never thot ad see the day.

theres alot more to come aswell - bring it.

comment me, i want to hear from the familiar names ;)

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