Nov 08, 2006 18:28
howdy y'all, its been a while!
so iv had an urge to update on a few things, tht doesnt happen often so il cherish every moment of it.
seems sooooo long ago wen skool finished wen i didnt hav a clue wat thee hell 2do! im stil sorta the same actually! i jumped str8 into college and all tht did was confirm tht i dont hav the attention span for mooore education.. since i actually had the choice to leev this time i did, so one could go out, find a wee job and earn some money and hav a bit of funn...just gota find a job lol.. ohar. anywayzaa its not a long term thing, i hav plans :)
so job hunting! its been goin on for so long now tht im worried my move outa college was a mistake! but then agen if i do get a chance sumwhere itl all fall into place so heres hopin! another interview lined up for friday (Comet)... im not exactly excited about the thot of workin there but im in no position to be picky innit, anythin will do.
apart from tht part of the Alan Bain Life.. its been rele good! coz iv had alot of free time, i gota play football alot more..ehhh recent events - on sunday went to one of the bridges with the william to watch the fireworks at glasgow green! then onto china buffet king! then we split and i went off to meet alan, jamie morrison and ben where we went to campus and garage! shmashin.. the night ran too smoothly compared to -
last nite! went round to alan's, played the new richard winters then joined us and off we went to campus! didnt get let it coz of naeee id! it was the same bouncer as sunday aswell.. my respect for him dropped a large amount :p so we went str8 to karbon! we had the choice to spend all our money on drink, or b responsible and keep money by for a taxi.....we went with the first choice which was regretted wen it actually came to walking. i ate about 5 nutrigrain bars wen i got home.....and jelly tots. i forgot how good they are!! and the memories of eatin them all the time wen i was younger came floodin bak!
iv sed enough actually, so il stop! jamie i read ur entry.. hope u get better soon! william.. if u and ur cd are meant to be, im sure itl find its way bak to u and itl b a happily ever after scenario! awwwrite? :)
hope every1s enjoyin their new lifes!
take caree
x x x