May 29, 2007 11:10
Well, this is my first post to this account, so I guess I'll update a little to catch up on stuff;
Things have been going alright for a bit now. After a couple weeks of hell, life in general has turned around a little bit. Hopefully, this upward twist continues for a little while at least. School is almost out (thank god), and I'll be starting my new job coming up in a couple weeks, right after finals. Also, the big 21 is coming up too :D I'm all hyped up about that. I know it's on a thursday, but I'm still buying a 6 and having a few. I'll just have to behave so I can make it to work the next day xD.
Been working at target for a little bit now, graveyard shift. It kinda sucks getting used to it, but its fast paced and keeps me on my toes. I have come upon the experience of nearly falling asleep standing up though. '20cc's of caffeine, stat!' xD Its all good though. Pays the bills for the most part.
A few friends reciently went on a trip I wish I could have gone to in all honesty. Hookaville sounded like it was just awesome this year and I wish it didn't fall right before finals. Glad you all had fun though ^.~
Oh, and yay for drunken calls from friends; through all the appoligies for calling while drunk, it's entertaining and funny. Totally enjoyable. Have another on me bud ;)
I had a few myself the other night and it only reminded me of how much of a lightweight I am. 4 bottles and I was pretty much sauced. Had my brother drive me home in my own car xD I can recall two occasions when that has happened, and I've owned that car for 5 years..Oh, and fyi, Bay Harbor, blueberry ale - don't buy this unless you enjoy strange tasting beers. It had a strange flavor that I, or my friends didn't really care for. Kinda a bitter, medicine taste.
Anyway, I've got some stuff to do, homework wise today, so I'm going to cut this off and attempt to get busy. Even though I know I'll put it off for a little bit longer xD.
Later all.