Jan 17, 2010 09:59
I'm in Shanghai for the weekend... Facebook's still blocked in China, so I find myself doing what I liked doing better before the world started spending all it's time on fb...
Shanghai's such a strange city, it's got one building after another trying to out do the others... In height, style, colour, everything. And then you find yourself strolling down the French Concession area and falling absolutely in love with what you can only imagine is still Shanghai! There's European bars and cafes, streets and houses, lamps and sign posts. It's all like time has stood still and you are back in the French times in shanghai.
The coffee is fantastic, especially at Boonna cafe on the east french concession area... Exactly the sort of Cafe I like anywhere I'd like to live.
Shanghai's a city one must see to believe and to all those non believers in the charm of Shanghai, I think you should come back and spend some time just walking around the city... This is not to deny the fact that the Expo may strip it of some of this charm in the coming months.