Jun 22, 2008 18:06
With it comes the need to grow up. I've moved back home, only to move out within the next fifty days. This realisation has spurred off a chain reaction in my house. I am now having to sift through bundles - trunk loads of papers - old birthday cards, scrap books, flyers, notes, letters, pictures, documents, diaries, you name it...
It's difficult to say goodbye. I stumbled upon old birthday cards, from my time in school. People write all sorts of things when they're young. And at the time, you believe them to be true. May be they are true, at the time. It's a vicious circle. So you realise that all those people who said you were their closest friend, or that you meant the world to them have moved on with their lives. Don't get me wrong, so have you. But that's when you were graduating from school, and you believed with all your heart that those friendships would last you a lifetime.
Now you're graduating from University. And you feel the same way. About all those people you hope will continue to be by your side. I guess one can only hope. And believe.
I also stumbled upon a diary from Grade six. It's one of those lock-diaries. So I fought with the lock till it gave way, only to realise that I had already torn every written page off that poor book, many years ago. So I sat down to think what all I used to write, and I could only think up a few of those things. I have grown too old.
Another masterpiece I found. My slam book. It's one of those write-about-love, write-about-me sort of diaries. There's two of them. So the first one is from Grade Four I think, where the guys who were closest to me in class have written about me - "you're too fat, grow thin", "you're my sister", "you share your notes with me", etc. It's no surprise that the one from Grade Ten is only a minor modification of what these boys had to say - "you're such a wonderful person (implying you're fat, grow thin)", "you're a wonderful friend (implying you're just a friend, more like a sister)", "your loving, caring and sharing nature makes everyone adore you (thanks for your notes M, couldn't have passed without them!)"... Ah, boys!
Ah, life!