30 Days

Mar 14, 2012 08:10

Towards the middle of February it was becoming apparent to me that I'd put on quite an insulating layer of fat over the winter, most likely due to having slipped back into the old bad habits of snacking and drinking soda at work.

My height hides it to a certain extent but at a little over 95kg I was getting very close to being at least numerically overweight, and more pertinently (or should the be vainly), I wasn't particularly happy with that I could see looking in the mirror in the morning.

So I decided to do something about it. I'm not one for fads or gimmicks so I've not been taken in by Atkins or any similar 'cheat' diets, just keeping a very close count of what I'm eating, and being disciplined about how and when I eat.

As it turns out, without snacking what I do tend to eat on a day-to-day basis works out neatly in the 1200-1500 kCal range which is suggested for weight loss, so I've not needed to make a lot of adjustments and despite the inevitable bouts of hunger I've been managing to stick to it.

So, here I am, 30 days in, and 6.7kg lighter than I was when I started, a very encouraging start.

weightloss, health

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