Halloween game continued
Remaining unsolved from the
first round [go there to keep playing, this is just a placeholder!]
1. Look over there! There is a lion that wants to eat you! Doom, doom!
--Twilight Zone, the Movie
5. Here we go, the world is spinning. When it stops, it's just beginning. Sun comes up, we all laugh. Sun goes down, we all die...
--The Ring
7. I know somethin' that really scares you.
12. Look at my foot! This bitch put a goddamn sea monster in my bunk!
20. I am the bandit. He is merely the cave in which I shelter.
--Mary Reilly
27. We didn't come here to fight monsters, we're not equipped for it.
--Creature from the Black Lagoon
Feel free to post your unsolved quotes.