Jan 01, 2007 10:00
Hey guys. Welcome to the year 2007. Wild ride, no?
There's a lot that is slated to happen in this little year of ours.
-Chris is both going backpacking through Europe and entering law school. More power to him, and I hope it all goes well. We all know what a den of savages the Europe tends to be. The fact that the Poles who we met at McSorely's told me that it was the opposite of "Eurotrip" (awesome movie BTW) which painted Europe in the best light imaginable, fills my heart with lead. I think if we eliminate the portion of the continent where one would hope an insane sex romp would occur... well that leaves only part of Britain, doesn't it? Well, march on soldier, because you better live life while you're living it. I'm sure no one will argue with me when I say that there's simply no better time to do it.
-Randy is getting on with Dental school at UMDNJ. Cool on him. ahhh I was hoping to have more to write here but he seems to be getting on well with life and with Helen.
-George is continuing on with the 5 year Masters program at Rutgers for teaching. The Louis-Jacques clan contents that he will be great at it because he commands attention and no one will ever ever be able to talk over him. Seriously, try it. In terms of pure impossibility, I'd rate it alongside getting into a shouting match with a raging inferno or attempting to fight the incoming tide. Godspeed.
-I am still chugging along at school. Slated to finish in the fall of 2007. Where's my money, Jabroni? That is all.
New Years is always a good time but I think one of the best things you can do is make a resolution. Hopefully one that you can keep too. I mean, who wouldn't like to say "I resolve to fly to the moon by the sheer power of my will ala Kevin Sorbo and bang bitches will the bed breaks ala Heff"- but I like to aim somewhere in the realm of possibility. My bed is made very sturdy, and it would take more bang than I could bang out to break it. Just saying.
My resolution, this New Years, is to Buckle Down. Yes, I'm quoting the great Nicholas Cage from The Weatherman. I know not everyone saw this movie, but you'll have to follow from the context clues what I mean. The Weatherman was, what they call, a Dark Comedy- definitely one of my favorite types of film I think. Chris saw it's message as one of bitter hopelessness and acceptance of a dark and lonesome fate. I saw it differently than that. But the message of the film is not the point here.
In this year of 2007, I'm going to buckle down.
Just you watch. That is all.
Happy New Years.