Title: Compromised Positions
Author: Tarlan (
Artist: Gryph (
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing/Characters: John/Rodney
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Word Count: ~10,300
Spoilers: None
Summary: When Atlantis returned to Pegasus after saving Earth from the Wraith Superhive ship, no one noticed the strange changes taking place, especially to those with the ATA gene either naturally or through Carson Beckett's gene therapy.
By the time the Daedalus arrived, Atlantis had not only altered the physiology of those in the city but had also stripped them of their emotional connection to their home world. But not everyone was happy with the changes and so Carson developed a cure.
As a man, John had never been happier in his life. He had a home, his new family... and he had his bonded mate, Rodney. As a soldier, John knew he was compromised and it was his duty to take the cure, and somehow live with the consequences.
Notes/Warnings: Mentions canon relationships. A/B/O dynamics and MPreg, obviously :D
Sequel to
Strange Changes Written for
MPregBigBangAlso meets
trope_bingo prompt: mind control
With many, many thanks for the wonderful art and fantastic fanmix by
gryphon2k STORY on AO3:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1221889ART/FANMIX Links:
on AO3 |
on LJ ~